Northwoods Veterans Homestead
Welcome to the first veteran-specific homeless operation in northern Wisconsin
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Northwoods Veterans Homestead is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed to help Wisconsin’s homeless veterans’ population.

The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness reported that 337 veterans experienced homelessness in Wisconsin during 2020. Currently, only one veteran-specific homeless shelter operates in the state, situated in Racine as Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin. Racine is located in the southeastern part of the state. In another development, an organization in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is actively working on creating veteran-specific homeless units, but these are also located in the southern region of the state.

Northwoods Veterans Homestead is poised to become the pioneer in northern Wisconsin, offering veteran-specific homeless services to all homeless veterans in the state. Our plan closely follows Racine’s successful model, featuring a large community center, sixteen tiny homes, a veterans’ market/shop, and a community garden. Our programming centers around the individual; each veteran will receive personalized support to help them regain self-sufficiency and reintegration into the community. Providing homeless veterans with a secure environment to meet their basic needs allows them to focus on their future success without incurring any out-of-pocket expenses.

Our foundational programming encompasses a wide range of essential life skills, including but not limited to cooking, financial management, job searching, resume writing, and personal hygiene. Northwoods Veterans Homestead collaborates with community partners to offer professional services, including support in living skills, medical care, legal assistance, and counseling services.

Visit Racine’s Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin to see how Northwoods Veterans Homestead will be supporting enriching the lives of veterans in the Northwoods of Wisconsin

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